Berlin 2021
Berlin 2021

Day 13 - From Blankenburg to Nachterstedt

Tshaj tawm: 09.09.2021

Today was again quite exhausting, but not so much because of the distance, but rather because of the heat. In Quedlinburg (about halfway) I was finally able to buy the coveted silver hiking badge. In Hoym I ran out of water, but a nice couple on bikes helped me out with a bottle. So the last few kilometers were easy to manage. Now I'm sitting outside in the hotel restaurant, waiting for my food.

Teb (2)

Mensch, fast wie Urlaub ... Man bekommt direkt Lust, den einen oder anderen Ort selbst mal zu besuchen, Quedlinburg zum Beispiel. Und: Glückwunsch zur silbernen Wandernadel!

Tolle Felsformationen. :D :D

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