USA 2024
USA 2024

3. From 2024 - Manitou Incline

Tshaj tawm: 03.05.2024

The first task for today has been mastered - the Manitou Incline ( ).

When you've completed the first half (1400 steps), you think to yourself: it's not that bad after all. Unfortunately, that's a false assumption, as in the second half you're confronted with gradients of up to 68% - your thighs will burn!

Every now and then you will be cheered on by a few chipmunks or robins (they were much more shy and therefore not on any photographic evidence).

You will then be rewarded at an altitude of 2590 m after 1.4 km, 2768 steps and 610 meters of elevation with a foretaste of the Rocky Mountains and a beautiful view of Manitou and Colorado Springs.

Teb (1)

Lass die Schenkel glühen..., tolle Fotos, muss sehr beeindruckend sein. - Ich glaube, wir anderen hätten schlapp gemacht, erst recht, wenn man wie der Berliner Kollege einen Hund tragen müsste....

Teb chaws USA
Daim ntawv qhia txog kev mus ncig Teb chaws USA