
Christmas Eve in the hotel

Tshaj tawm: 26.12.2021

Go to bed early, set the alarm for 7 am, wake up on time, fill up the rental car, the freeway was pleasantly empty at this time, return the rental Mazda, I arrived at the correct terminal more than three hours before departure and was proud as can be. Then the news, my flight was cancelled in the morning. Seriously??! I was rebooked for December 29th. Really??! The consequence, standing in line for more than an hour to negotiate, with Christmas music blaring from the speakers.

Through personal advocacy, I managed to get a rebooking for the next day. Thanks to my puppy eyes and holiday spirit, a hotel room near the airport could be arranged for the lost German. 'Yes, he's German,' said the lady on the phone, then to me: 'You are a lucky guy!' On top of that, I received two food vouchers from the airline.

I spent the afternoon reading in the sunshine, watching planes take off and land. One day gained, one day lost, whatever? My room on the eleventh floor of the 4-star hotel offered a fantastic view of the runway and classic Christmas movies were playing on TV. I was reconciled.

Teb (1)

Mit so wenig gibst du dich zufrieden? Startende und landende Flugzeuge, am HEILIGABEND UND WEIHNACHTEN???? LOL

Teb chaws USA
Daim ntawv qhia txog kev mus ncig Teb chaws USA
#weihnachten #hotellife#grinch