Meck on Tour
Meck on Tour

Ruhetag in Memelland

Tshaj tawm: 16.06.2022

This morning I decided to stay in bed longer and have a day off. Sleeping in the rooftop tent is really comfortable, and after the past 2 and a half years, I obviously need some rest and sleep. So I got up just after 9 for the first time. I spend the day reading and having interesting conversations. Since I'm sometimes the only guest, the caretaker can focus all his attention on me. And so I receive occasional visits throughout the day. Sometimes he explains the origin of the language in flowery English, another time he talks about the history of Lithuania, and a third visit is dedicated to the upcoming route planning. Either way, I am well taken care of.

Shortly after noon, an older sibling couple (older than me :-)) arrive. They introduce themselves briefly. Their parents were driven out of Memelland at the end of the war, and now, after almost 80 years, they want to return to their home village of Hemiatdorf for the first time. There are some impressive stories that can be heard here.

In the late afternoon, I go for a short bike ride. I cross the impressive forest to the bank of the Memel river. I follow the slow meandering river on a sandy path. It is a paradise for plants and birds. Besides the ever-present cuckoo and the low-flying swallows, I also spot a pair of hoopoes. Unfortunately, I only have my mobile phone with me, that's a lesson for me!

Now I'll have a simple dinner before I definitively plan tomorrow's stage. It goes east, but probably not all the way to Vilnius. There are still various sights to visit.

I enjoy the freedom to simply do what I want. And yet it would of course be nice if there was someone to share all the wonderful and moving experiences with. The topic of loneliness will probably accompany me for the next three weeks. That's why I'm happy about every reaction and every WhatsApp message that reaches me here. And a nice poem has encouraged me a bit. That's why I'm happy to share it with you.

“Being alone in a foreign country?
Look, it's right above me.
The same sky stretched out,
just like at home with you.
And the very same stars are shining
as above your house.
I just have to look up!
And I recognize myself again.”

“Consolation” by Otfried Preußler (author of 'The Robber Hotzenplotz', 'The Little Witch', and others).
Otfried Preußler had an extraordinary life, like many others from his time...

So, that's it for today, dear people!

Teb (1)

Genau das hätte ich in dieser herlichen Gegend auch gemacht: einen Tag verweilen, Zeit für Ausschlafen, Leute kennen lernen, "eintauchen" in die Geschichte eines neuen Landes. Memelland....

Daim ntawv qhia txog kev mus ncig Lithuania