
25.05.23 - Hello work life

Tshaj tawm: 25.05.2023

Thursday, 10 days to go until departure...

Last night I had my last shift at Birkebäumche - of course, I went to bed too late again, despite finishing work at 11:30 pm...

But we celebrated Barbara's birthday with her and it was a really nice conclusion. The big farewell will follow next week :)

So my day starts a bit tired, between half packed boxes, an empty kitchen, and after a night on the slowly uncomfortable air mattress.

It's my last day of work - for an unknown period of time!

It's a strange feeling to live without income for the next few months. But I have been working and saving for this for the past few years and especially the last few months. Nevertheless, I have to occasionally quiet my inner voice (Quatschie* for those who don't know), and tell my dear Quatschie that everything is right and I am allowed to do this for myself!

As the lady from the German pension insurance said on the phone so nicely - 'I see, you've been contributing to the pension for 14 years already - don't worry!'

So let's go, on to the last day of work!

Before that, quickly to the bakery, get some cake for the small farewell, and off to the office. One last meeting, handover, and then many nice colleagues whom I have worked with over the past few years.

-Thanks to my team for giving me a really practical gift, so that I can always travel with a charged battery :) -

As I review the conversations I had during the last 3 years at UKK, I am somewhat proud of myself.

Thank you dear Anke for your sentence, '...and in two years you managed to leave a footprint here' - Yes, and with something really meaningful :)

Nevertheless, leaving UKK is very easy for me. It allowed me to gain a tremendous insight into the processes and structures of a hospital and a company of this size, and it has allowed me to grow a lot.

But it is not my place and not the job that is meant for me.

However, leaving my favorite colleague Anke behind is very difficult for me! Dear Anki, if you are reading this - I know everything will be fine and you will find a new office colleague to have some fun with!

Now I'm ending my day with a glass of wine and I'm glad that Lauri is arriving tomorrow to help me a bit in the apartment!

Only the move on Saturday and then the last item on the to-do list will be checked off!

Finally - 7 months have passed since my decision and it's time to get going!

*Quatschie - that's what I've named my inner 'voice', which often has the approach of 'What if it goes wrong/ Just stay in the nice comfort zone/ You're not supposed to do that'.

So it's always very reasonable, security-conscious, and rather negative scenarios - which are good, but can be questioned and sometimes need to be told:

'Yes, it can go wrong - but it can also turn out well'


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