
Chichén Itzá, Izamal and Mérida - Day 16

Tshaj tawm: 27.04.2022

Somehow I accidentally deleted the post from Day 16. So here's the summary again:

Chichén Itzá was impressive, the most important Maya site in Mexico. However, there were a lot of people and even more vendors, so the site has turned into a bazaar.

On the way to Mérida, I stopped in Izamal. The town was built around the Convento San Antonio. There used to be large pyramids at this site as well, but they were demolished by the Spanish conquistadors and Christian sacred buildings were erected with the stones.

In Mérida, I checked into my room, which is almost as big as a ballroom. Then, on recommendation, I went to the Museo de la Gastronomía Yucateca restaurant. The food was excellent, as was the Yucatecan Sangria. After that, I was able to attend a dance performance by the Ballet Folclórico de Yucatán - very beautiful!


Daim ntawv qhia txog kev mus ncig Mexico