
Day 184-186 Drive to Wagga Wagga

Tshaj tawm: 21.12.2022

It is time to leave the koalas and Kangaroo Island and drive to New South Wales. At the Kangaroo Island ferry terminal we had to persuade Stuart with a big breakfast, that is a good idea to give the koalas some space and let them grow without us disturbing them all the time.

Koala Teenager at Kangaroo Island
Koala Teenager at Kangaroo Island
Koala at Kangaroo Island
Koala at Kangaroo Island
Stuart enjoys breakfast at Kangaroo Island ferry terminal
Stuart enjoys breakfast at Kangaroo Island ferry terminal
Kangaroo Island ferry terminal
Kangaroo Island ferry terminal

Given the time to travel back to mainland and especially the really bad street conditions, we were happy, that we stayed for one night in Bordertown (Victoria) and one night in Shepparton (New South Wales) before driving to Wagga Wagga (New South Wales), although others would argue you can drive it in one day. Stuart discovered on one of our rest stops an abandoned fuel station with minions and thought that Australians had quite lots of Minion-like things around. Otherwise on the trip it was mainly looking out for the many potholes and trying to arrive safely. As the drive was mainly through some minor streets and through small Australian towns, we got some funny photos of Christmas Decorations on trees, buildings but also cows. It seems a red ribbon around whatever is seen as a valid Christmas Decoration. At the mall with the supermarket in Wagga Wagga we were happy that Stuart stayed at home, so he did not want play to get other Minions, which we would have to carry with us.

Christmas decoration in Australia
Christmas decoration in Australia
Christmas decoration in Australia
Christmas decoration in Australia
Christmas decoration in Australia
Christmas decoration in Australia
Stuart at Minion gas station
Stuart at Minion gas station
Christmas decoration
Christmas decoration
New South Wales
New South Wales
Christmas Decoration
Christmas Decoration
Christmas Decoration
Christmas Decoration
Minions Game
Minions Game


Daim ntawv qhia txog kev mus ncig Australia