
Bocas del Toro

Tshaj tawm: 15.12.2017

After entering Panama without any problems, we continued by bus and boat to the Bocas. This island paradise is especially known for its stilt houses. We stayed in a nice, small hostel right in the center. By the way, Bocas del Toro translates to "the mouths of the bull" and is one of the most visited places in Panama. With its colorful houses and endless Caribbean beaches, Bocas is a little paradise.

We visited one beach that was especially known for its large starfish and took a day trip to the neighboring island of Bastimentos. There, we hiked for 20 minutes through the jungle to Playa Wizard. A completely isolated beach, away from mass tourism. But even here, police officers watched over the 10 beach visitors.

Despite heavy rain on the day of departure, we were not deterred and made our way to the boat. We were lucky because the next few days the crossing was no longer possible. A storm was raging from Jamaica to Central America. Completely soaked, we reached the shore and headed towards Boquete, but that's another story. :)
