interrail mit dem Zug durch Deutschland
interrail mit dem Zug durch Deutschland

Sylt in the evening

Tshaj tawm: 09.09.2023

We leave the beach. We spent lovely hours there. On the way back to the train station we buy some pasta. After we arrive at the campsite, many students first take a shower. The teachers take the opportunity to jog to the Morsum beach. The sun has already set. The fog rises in the fields. In the meantime, two students are cooking the pasta. The leftover sauce from yesterday is warmed up. When the food was ready, the teachers came back. We have dinner together. The students then wash the dishes. It's a shame having to leave the island again tomorrow. Shortly before going to sleep we look at the starry sky. It will be a pleasant and quiet night.


Lub teb chaws Yelemees
Daim ntawv qhia txog kev mus ncig Lub teb chaws Yelemees