
21 to Sagres

Tshaj tawm: 07.04.2024

Distance 66 kilometers, cumulative 1,671 kilometers | Elevation 720, cumulative 11,900

Today I arrived at the most south-western point of my tour. This means I am furthest away from home. From now on I will slowly but surely head back home. Nevertheless, I expect it to take another 6 weeks, as I have only been on the road for 3 weeks and have covered about a third of the distance.

Although I climbed over 700 meters again today, I have never had such long, steep climbs before. I had to get off my bike several times and use my push assist. Bosch has developed a great feature for this, I have written about it before.

A few times the route took me right back down to the sea. And again I saw surfers who took advantage of these big waves to ride them. In my opinion, you need good balance for that, or in other words, unfortunately that wouldn't be a sport for me.

It must have rained last night because I often saw puddles or the ground was soft, which made me push my bike several times as a precaution. But here too the ground was sandy, which doesn't necessarily mean I'm safe.

Have I already thanked you for the likes and comments? Thank you very much! I am happy for any feedback, as I know that my posts are read and I am not alone.


Today I arrived at the farthest point of my race. This means that I am the one who is far from home. From now on the return to the house will be slow but constant. Without embargo, assuming that another 6 weeks will be necessary, until now only 3 weeks of travel and it completed about a third of the route.

Even today I had to walk more than 700 meters, now before I had to take too many long and empty steps. I think I'll go up different times and use my help to empty. Bosch has developed something fantastic here, as he wrote about it before.

Sometimes the route took me back to the sea. And now surfers are finding these big waves to mount. In my opinion, I need a good balance or, in other words, lamentably, it wouldn't be a sport for me.

I had to walk again because the grass was too thin or the floor was too rough, which made me throw the bike several times out of caution. But here the floor was also sandy, which meant no safety for me.

Have you ever appreciated my likes and comments? Many thanks! I would like to receive any comment because I think my publications are irrelevant and that's not all.

Today I arrived at the most south-western point of my tour. This means I am furthest from home. From now on, I will slowly but steadily head back home. Nevertheless, I assume that it will take another 6 weeks; So far I have only been on the road for 3 weeks and have managed about a third of the route.

Although I climbed over 700 meters in altitude again today, I have never had such long, steep climbs before. I had to get off several times and use my push assist. Bosch has developed a great feature for this, I wrote about it before.

A few times the route took me back down to the sea. And again I saw surfers who took advantage of these big waves to ride them. In my opinion, this requires good balance, or in other words, unfortunately this would not be a sport for me.

It must have rained last night because I often saw puddles or the ground was soft, which prompted me to push my bike several times as a precaution. But here too the ground was sandy, which doesn't mean I'm safe.

Have I already thanked people for the likes and comments? Thank you very much! I'm happy for any feedback, as I know that my posts are being read and that I'm not alone.

Teb (6)

Richtig cool, dass du diese Tour mit dem E-Bike machst! Ich bin selbst gerade für ein Auslandssemester in Portugal und finde es super schön :-) Falls du durch Lissabon kommst und spontan ein Sofa zum Übernachten suchst, melde dich gerne per SMS! +351 968 615 073

Lieber ? Herzlichen Dank für deine netten Zeilen. Ich habe mich darüber sehr gefreut. Danke auch für deine Einladung. Ich muss aber gestehen, dass ich ein Hotelzimmer vorziehe, ich bin schon etwas über das Sofa-Alter hinaus. Aber vielleicht ergibt sich die Gelegenheit uns bei einem Bier oder so kennenzulernen. Bis dann grüsse ich dich herzlich.

Dass du ein Hotelzimmer vorziehst kann ich gut verstehen. Du kannst dich trotzdem gern melden, wenn du in der Gegend bist! Viele liebe Grüße von Lea und Leon

Hallo René Nun hast du aber richtig schönes Wetter. Ich hoffe, dass es nicht zu stark windig ist am Meer. Deine Art mit dem E-Bike unterwegs zu sein und deine Ausdauer ist auch für mich sehr inspirierend. Herzliche Grüsse aus Kriens Christoph

Lieber Christoph Wenn ich wählen kann zwischen Sonne und Wind oder Windstille mit Regen ist die Antwort klar. Heute hatte ich von beidem viel, also ☀️ und 💨. Dass ich dich mit meiner Tour inspirieren kann, freut mich sehr. Es ist wirklich ein Lebenstraum, den ich mir damit erfülle. Angefangen damit habe ich vor 2 Jahren mit einer Wanderung von zuhause rund um den Genfersee und wieder zurück, insgesamt 550 Kilometer. Letztes Jahr dann meine erste eBike-Tour von insgesamt 5‘100 Kilometern in alle nordischen Länder. Auch da habe ich schon einen Blog gemacht: vakantio.de/nordlandtour Herzliche Grüsse aus Sines René

@Lea und Leon Wahrscheinlich werde ich am Donnerstag in Lissabon ankommen. Wie wär’s mit einem Treffen am Freitag Abend? Ich bin nur noch 120 Kilometer entfernt und werde morgen den grossen Teil davon abstrampeln. 🚴‍♂️

Daim ntawv qhia txog kev mus ncig Portugal