
Inseltag 4 - Open Water

Tshaj tawm: 09.08.2022


During breakfast, the blue peacock hops briefly into the kitchen 🦚😅 A family of chimpanzees takes a morning stroll along the beach.

Unfortunately, Melly is not feeling well today 😔 So Benny goes diving alone on the first dive. Hopefully she'll feel better tomorrow 🙏 Then she can join in again, says the dive guide. There are four Swiss people. We dive in 2 groups. You can experience a colorful world of fish, corals, shells and starfish on this reef 😊 A large trumpet fish swims by 🐟🐠🐡. The other group even finds an octopus 🐙 It's wonderful. It's like floating. Another world.😇 But it would be even better with Melly... 😥
Afterwards, there is a dive logbook - for the first two dives. Today we went down to 12m. 2x 40min

Melly slept through the morning.
In the afternoon, we go down to the pool together to lie in the sun lounger. Right in front of us, the waves break against the rocks 🌊 We see butterflies flying by 🦋 and a few cheeky chimpanzees playing in the trees 🐵 In the late afternoon, a friendly staff member moves our loungers into the sun 😊

We learn the final diving instructions via video (even though it is uncertain for Melly whether she can continue tomorrow 😕). The 'diving exam' can actually come now.

Benny eats alone in the restaurant today 😥 and brings Melly something to eat to the room. All hotel staff are very caring and offer help - even the hotel manager. On that occasion, Benny asks him how much a night in the 'Suite on the rocks' costs - 900 per night... It seems to be the 'rent'. And we are not sure if it's the price per person 🤣 nevertheless, the suite is fully booked permanently. However, the manager says that our room is still nicer 😇
It is always very windy when the sun is gone.

We go to bed early and hope for a good day ahead.✊✊✊

Stay tuned 🏖🏝


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