Griechenland 2023
Griechenland 2023

35. On the Profitis Ilias

Tshaj tawm: 13.04.2023

35th day: Since the sky is completely cloudless today, we want to embark on a little mountain tour. We are aiming for the Profitis Ilias. It must be known that there are many mountains in Greece with this name. One of them, with a height of over 2400 meters, is the highest mountain in the Peloponnese. However, ours is not even 800 meters high. But they are challenging!

We start off quite relaxed, strolling through olive groves. But as we progress, more challenges appear along the way. Soon it becomes quite steep and we have to balance on stones through narrow clearings in the broom. I wish I had better balance, because once you lose it, holding on is not a real alternative. The trail is often barely visible as well. Without GPS, we would definitely have scratched our legs despite wearing long pants. Further up, it gets even steeper and very rocky. We have to pass a rocky field and next to the trail, it drops almost vertically.

But the view from the upper part of the trail is really beautiful and the path is lined with lovely flowers. It's very quiet up here, we only see two other people within four and a half hours.

In the afternoon, we arrive at a campsite south of Gythio. In the evening, we sit outside comfortably with other campers until 9:30 p.m. The first reasonably warm evening!


Tim Nkij teb chaws
Daim ntawv qhia txog kev mus ncig Tim Nkij teb chaws