
Days 17/18 - nothing and sea

Tshaj tawm: 29.09.2023

Day17 - 09/26/23

Today we didn't do ANYTHING. It wasn't very difficult and it was just good for us.

Day 18 - 09/27/23

The day before our departure to New Zealand we made the trip to the Great Barrier Reef - here the Norman Reef. The Aussis are now keeping part of the reef closed to tourists so that the reef can recover. But the accessible part also offers all kinds of sea creatures. However, the corals themselves are impressive - you can't help but be amazed at the bizarre shapes and colors that have developed here. It's something different to see something like this in nature films or even "in real life".

Our bus driver crew brought us safely to the boat - there crew and crew and other crews greeted us and we were immediately welcomed into the family. As you can see in the pictures, you could get the impression of a Lego hidden object picture. 450 people fit on this big boat, luckily there were only 250 of us.

The return trip was stormier than expected and at times the spray rushed past you so much that you felt like you were in the movie “Das Boot”. If only the Ka-Leu had to give the order to dive...

Back in Cairns we started packing. We're leaving for Auckland tomorrow morning, with a further time difference of 3 hours, so German time plus 11 hours.
