With the Banff gondola to Sulphur Mountain

Tshaj tawm: 15.05.2018

Early this morning I headed towards the Banff gondola. On the one hand, to avoid the large crowds of tourists, and on the other hand, because I had already booked this trip in advance on the internet and had to be there at a certain time. By booking online, I was able to save 10%, but the trip still cost almost 40€. Quite a lot, but since I've been relatively frugal with activities so far, I treated myself to it today. On the gondola ride, I felt a bit more queasy in my stomach than expected. Once I arrived at the top, I had to find a quiet spot and sit down. The rocking of the gondola and the height bothered me a bit. However, the view from up there was breathtaking. You could then take a trail over wooden bridges and stairs to a weather station. The highest point of Sulphur Mountain. I spent almost two hours up there, enjoying the fresh, cool air and the view. A great experience. I coped better with the ride down :D Afterwards, I went back to Lake Minniwanka. Today there was very little going on there and I have to adjust my judgement of Banff National Park from yesterday a bit. I hadn't realized that yesterday was Sunday and Mother's Day. Therefore, I think that many people, including those from outside, such as from Calgary, made a trip to the national park and that's why it was so crowded. Today, I felt almost alone at the lake and it was beautiful. With a spot in the sun, I ate my sandwiches and enjoyed the warm sun on my skin. In the evening, I went to Canmore again, a neighboring town of Banff. However, there wasn't really much going on there and after a short walk through the town, I returned to my accommodation. Today it's time to pack again, because tomorrow I'm heading to Calgary.

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Die Bilder sind so cool!

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