Ein Floh entdeckt die Welt
Ein Floh entdeckt die Welt

Lost in MET

Tshaj tawm: 06.03.2019

Today I only managed to do half of what was on my list, but at the same time I experienced so much more.

I started with a short breakfast at Starbucks and took a walk through Central Park. Simply beautiful, and you instantly forget that you're in the middle of a metropolis, if you don't occasionally see the skyscrapers through the treetops. Unfortunately, I couldn't admire the small castle in the park because it's currently being completely renovated.

After a long walk, I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The only museum located right in Central Park. At the beginning, I wasn't completely convinced - I'm not a big fan of art museums. But after only half an hour, I knew that I could discard my plan to visit the American Museum of Natural History today. I am absolutely thrilled. I was so engrossed that I kept losing my orientation. Luckily, I took a map with me at the beginning. It's definitely necessary to navigate through the MET. After 5 hours, I was completely overwhelmed and still totally amazed. However, at some point, hunger struck very persistently, so I ended my tour and looked for a very fancy Italian restaurant.

Afterwards, I walked all the way back to the hotel through Central Park. How wonderful that it's practically (about 200 m) next to Central Park. Because today, I spontaneously got another ticket for a musical. This time, I'm going to see My Fair Lady! And the best part: I can even walk from the hotel to the Vivian Beaumont Theater!

The performance was just as amazing as The Phantom of the Opera. However, the only theater on Broadway that isn't directly located in the theater district at Times Square can't compete with the ambiance of the Majestic Theater. Nevertheless, definitely worth a visit!

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Einfach toll, Fotos werden auf dem Laptop angeschaut, damit man alles sehen kann 😉🤗👍


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