Discovering Florida
Discovering Florida

We are here, in Florida!

Tshaj tawm: 22.03.2019

Phew, what a day it has been... But one thing at a time:

After certain individuals, whose names cannot be mentioned here, insist on being notoriously punctual and prefer to arrive an hour earlier, our night unfortunately ended at 4:30.

We were then kindly taken from our world's best taxi driver Judith to the train station, she too had to drag herself out of bed during this inhumane night.

But even the early risers among us were still a bit tired 😈

After check-in and the fumbling station, we finally arrived on the plane. We had 10.5 hours of flight ahead of us. 10.5 hours in which I could make up stories about people I didn't even know... I will remember the lady with the Zion shirt for a while: did she ever make it out of the matrix?!

After a long flight, we finally arrived in Tampa. That was the easy part of the trip. From home, we had booked a Mitsubishi Mirage, basically a car in soda can format. But what happens when Axel and the Mirage don't become friends? That could have ugly consequences for the residents of the Sunshine State...

After a customs officer who almost wanted to steal our Nutella, Ranshid and his wife, who wanted to let a service employee call his doctor (in an elevator!) and then was also amazed that the doctor suddenly hung up, we finally came to Alamo to pick up our car.

The lady at the counter looked at us a bit confused when we asked for a Mitsubishi Mirage according to the booking. She even showed us a photo of that thing and smiled, saying that it would be a question of self-confidence to dare to drive with "something like that" on American roads. So in the end, we had a mid-size car from Hyundai. Better not ask how much that cost... 🙄

We drove towards Venice, heading towards the sunset.

When we arrived at our hosts, we were first taken through their new house. Absolutely amazing! Unfortunately, it was already dark, but what we saw was really awesome!

We were greeted in style with a burger dinner (and sweet potato fries) and after a little chatting, we were already ready to crash.

After being awake for almost 24 hours, a tiring day ends in an awesome bed.

Good night!


Teb chaws USA
Daim ntawv qhia txog kev mus ncig Teb chaws USA