
Kulturschock and a bit of Sightseeing

Tshaj tawm: 27.08.2018

The past few days, I could compare to a roller coaster ride - sometimes up, sometimes down, and occasionally even a loop-de-loop :D

After moving into the new hotel - closer to our university - on Friday, I experienced a bit of a culture shock - I wanted to finish a paper for my university in Austria - but that was not so easy when I started crying every 20 minutes.

Why? I had no idea - I guess I was processing what I have seen in the past few days - poverty, poverty, and more poverty.

Furthermore, due to my likely very exhausting behavior, I got into an argument on that day, which did not really contribute to me feeling better :D But well, communicating with me on that day was probably anything but pleasant.

The next day, we decided to do some sightseeing - Humayun's Tomb, India Gate, and the Rashtrapati Bhavan (the President's residence). Beautiful places where we naturally attracted attention... I really don't know how many pictures I'm in, as at least 10 Indians have asked us if they can take a picture with us - crazy.

In addition, we met a Spanish guy who works at the Spanish embassy and lives with two Germans and an American. Ivan - the Spanish guy - then invited us to his apartment in the evening - great evening and finally some contact with other people in New Delhi - Nadia and I have become a bit crazy in our hotel room.

After having some social contact, the side effects of the culture shock definitely improved.


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