
Bogotà 🌦️and the end of chapter 1✔️

Tshaj tawm: 16.09.2019

We arrived at the North Bus Station in Bogotà at around midnight and immediately took a taxi. To our surprise, it was a female taxi driver who was supposed to take us to our hostel. But we somehow have no luck with taxi rides at night in Bogotà, and so our taxi driver had no idea where we needed to go :D She drove from the main road into some side street and checked where we were at that moment, but it was wrong and I had been following it all the time on and was already thinking, where is this lady taking us... Well, in the end, we drove around for half an hour and Laura and I had to navigate her. When we were almost near the hostel in a smaller square, we got off and went straight towards the police, who immediately told us that it was dangerous here at the moment... Very reassuring :D Well, two European girls with two big and two small backpacks also look like tourists... :D However, the police themselves didn't really know where our hostel is, so another man who was really nice took us to the door :) Colombians are very helpful :) After that, we went straight to bed because we booked a Free Walking Tour of Bogotà for the next day :)
The tour started at 10 a.m. and contrary to all expectations, we were on time :D We walked through the city and were shown good restaurants and a few places and told about the history of the city. The weather was quite confusing because within 10 minutes it went from clouds to sun and then to rain. But that's apparently always the case in Bogotà.. :D We also went to the Fernando Botero Museum.. I included a few pictures of him in the gallery so you can get an idea of what is considered art nowadays :D The guy just paints fat people and animals :D but it was really funny because Laura was depicted in almost every picture :D.. No, just kidding.
After that, we went to the Museo del Oro to have a coffee and I really tried something new and ordered a macchiato...I thought I would get something really delicious with lots of milk and yeah, I got a really disgusting espresso with a little bit of foam on top :)))..
After this Colombian delicacy, we went to the museum to see all the gold pieces and there were some really crazy things.. The nose piercings they used to have were insane :D Here, we also met Ramon again, with whom we had already done a trip in Medellin. Oh my God, this world is so small :D.. We made plans to meet in the evening and then continued through the museum together. Later, we had Ajiaco for dinner. This is a traditional dish in Colombia. It is a soup made from three different types of potatoes with chicken, cream fraiche, and capers, served with rice and a slice of avocado. Super delicious, and after the dessert, which consisted of cheesecake and another undefinable cream blob, we were almost bursting :D
Back at the hostel, we relaxed for a bit and then Ramon and Naomi came by and we went to an Irish pub and a bar and had a very nice last evening in Colombia :)
We still can't quite believe that chapter 1 of our journey is already over after 5 weeks and now we are in Peru!
Soon, we will meet Kiki to climb Machu Picchu with her YEAH! :)
However, our next destination is Lima, and I will report more about it soon :)

Until then, hasta pronto
Laura and Chrissie :)


Daim ntawv qhia txog kev mus ncig Colombia