
the Marchners are coming...

Tshaj tawm: 03.08.2018

We are packing up, saying goodbye to the beautiful place, leaving Tuscany behind and heading towards Lago di Bolsena, where Popeye (Stephan's closest friend from school days), his wife Siggi and their children Milena (12 years old) and Matteo (9 years old, our campsite caretaker) are waiting for us. The four of them live there every year on the Nonna's beautiful property overlooking Lake Bolsena and we are allowed to park our Bulli in the olive grove overlooking the lake. We love this place, which we were able to enjoy two years ago. Our campsite caretaker Matteo welcomes us at the 'Via Francigena' campsite and assigns us the best - and only ;-) - spot.

Now relaxing days begin with ...

... morning yoga sessions together - little by little even Popeye secretly joins in and inconspicuously slides into the downward facing dog...

... coffee and tea at the Bulli. It's strange that everyone (including Nonna, 7 people!) always huddle together in the scarce shade in front of the Bulli on folding chairs, even though there is a beautiful terrace with comfortable chairs at the house. But the camping atmosphere at the 'Hadern' villa brings us together again and again - whether in the morning, for siesta or for sundowners with beer and Crodino...

... everyone on board with swimming gear, snorkels, fins, provisions in the cool bag and in a good mood - onto the Mingolla (the Soppas' motorboat) - to the island / for dinner, swimming, diving and simply hanging out...

... cozy afternoon or evening meals at a long table in the shade on the lake property or on the pergola at sunset - with fresh Italian ingredients from the garden. And twice, because it was sooooooo delicious (and mountains of aubergines are ready to be harvested): Parmigiana di Melanzane. Stephan to Nonna: 'I could put a cannonball in there'...

... fishing with Matteo, who is not only a caring caretaker, but also a skilled and successful fisherman. There is plenty of boccalone :-)...

We still have a few days ahead of us at the Soppas' ... to be continued...


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