
The car is a real bitch and very sensitive... The sliding doors only close with a lot of momentum and if I don't give enough gas in 1st or 2nd gear, it dies straight away. This has happened to me more often now - in the middle of a roundabout or when turning 🙄. I can drive a car and it's not bad at all, but this one makes it really difficult for me. The engine control light has also been on since yesterday - great. So I have to call technical support first, they told me that I can continue driving and that they will take a look at it when the car is back. All right!

I've now decided that I don't want to be that far away from Christchurch when the car is swapped. This is both a curse and a blessing. On the one hand, it's good for me to do a few days less and process what I've experienced so far, but on the other hand, I have so many plans and I'm slowed down...

Today we go down from the Banks Peninsula to the lowlands, to Rakaia. A small town on a wide river with a view of the Alps. Driving uphill was strenuous for the camper, but going downhill was extremely strenuous for me. The brake hangs so high that I have to keep my right leg in the air the whole time I'm driving downhill to brake. I say, driving a car is really hard work.

After I've left the mountains behind me, driving becomes more relaxed and easier and after 2 hours of driving I'm already there, off to the campsite, the car is plugged in and I can recharge all the batteries. The campsite is quiet (there are not that many campers) and clean. There are also washing machines, so I take advantage of the early hours of the day and wash my laundry, which can then dry right here in the sun. Today I'm having a "housekeeping day" because I can also sweep through the camper 😉.

I stay here for 2 days and use the time to read, crochet and go on trips to the river and to the nice little town.


New Zealand
Daim ntawv qhia txog kev mus ncig New Zealand