
Tag 3. Gornja Selnica - Kistolmacs 89km

Tshaj tawm: 18.06.2022

After a peaceful morning, I hit the road again around 9 am. Unfortunately, I couldn't continue through the Ivanec Mountains as there were only mountain bike routes. I opted for asphalt and rode on the roads towards the Croatian-Hungarian border. The route took me through many agricultural areas and small forests to Varazdin, a beautiful small town bustling with people. It was a bit overwhelming for me, so I found a quiet spot by a dammed lake of the river 'Drava'. The Drava river accompanied us during the first days in Austria last year, and it was nice to see it again here in Croatia.

In the afternoon, the villages became a bit gloomier and the heat was beating down on me. At the end of a 6km-long straight gravel road, I reached the border with Hungary. It was somewhat unexpected. There, my passport was checked for safe entry. My initial impressions of Hungary are that it seems economically poorer in the border region. The water taps used for fresh water supply for the residents are located in front of many houses. The toilet booths are still in use as well.

I set up my camp for the night by a fishing lake in Kistolmács. The settlement is known because it is the terminus of a tourist train that was built many years ago with EU funds. I liked my spot on the wooded side of the lake.


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