
Four trolls in the nightly forest

Tshaj tawm: 19.10.2019

Once upon a time, there were four trolls who were bored in the evening. Full of energy, they took their bicycles and pedaled away. Halfway through, they realized they didn't have any food, so they took a small detour to the local supermarket and just made it before it closed. Now, their backpacks were freshly stocked with bread, burgers, and mushrooms. They struggled up a small but steep hill until they reached the top. There, they parked their bikes under a street lamp and continued the rest of the way using their flashlights. Along the way, they enjoyed a beautiful view of the town illuminated by lanterns, situated right by the fjord. Just as they had their destination in sight, the first flashlight died. They continued using the light from their mobile phone flashlights until they reached the BBQ spot in the middle of the forest. There, they attempted to start a fire. However, the wood they collected from the forest was still too wet, so they needed a lot of newspaper. Eventually, through vigorous fanning, they managed to start a fire and were able to grill and enjoy their burgers and fish patties. But then, they heard a howl of a wolf. They trembled in fear until they realized, after listening closely, that it must have been an owl. Still, they quickly finished eating and tried to leave the BBQ spot as quickly as possible. After extinguishing the fire with water, they ran to their bikes and zoomed down the hill, passing by the cemetery where candles were burning on the graves. When they reached home, it was almost midnight, so they crawled into their cozy beds after taking a shower to get rid of the smell of smoke.

The trolls were us volunteers tonight.


What else happened this week:

- Thursday was Refleksdag, which means we raised awareness among students about wearing safety vests and reflective strips during the dark season. So, we gave out free hot cocoa and a woman came to distribute free reflectors.

- I was mistaken for an American by the aforementioned woman.

- I had to try out my Norwegian skills because the man who picked me up for accordion lessons didn't speak English. That evening, the sunset was super beautiful (see pictures below), so I wanted to say that the sky looked beautiful (actually: "himmelen er flink," but I didn't know that and accidentally said, "skya er flink," which means the shoes are pretty... I will never forget the look on his face...

- I had my first physics lesson and only understood the hello and the goodbye at the end :)

- The supermarket has already started decorating for Christmas, so now I have a snowflake light garland hanging above my bed.

- I played "black stories" in the after-school program and it was a great success.

- I now have my own Norwegian number for my new spare phone.

- I worked at the cinema again. Now I have a better understanding of how everything works and today I did pretty well on my own.

- It's getting noticeably darker. When I wake up, it's still dark, whereas a month ago it wasn't. The sunrise is currently at 8:30 am...

It's hard to believe that I've already been in Dale for 2 months. A routine is slowly starting to form, but there are still plenty of new things to discover! And of course, I will keep you all updated :)

The aforementioned sunset
The aforementioned sunset


Daim ntawv qhia txog kev mus ncig Norway