Today's photo is pictures of Flo. I have to say, he paints in a funny way. Today I slept in until 9 o'clock. After that, I did the usual routine of tidying up the kids' rooms, living room, and kitchen. I took the guinea pigs outside and then sat in the garden in a lounge chair reading the newspaper. It was simply wonderful to sit in the sun. Suddenly, I hear someone in the apartment. Leif had come home. It was already 2 o'clock. It was simply nice to sit and read in the garden. Leif watched TV and I continued reading. At 4 o'clock, I cooked risotto. It turned out wonderfully. But of course, Karin and Flo didn't come to eat at 4:30. By then, the risotto had turned to mush, but apparently it tasted great. I didn't make semolina pudding for the kids, but once again made pancakes. Afterwards, I took a lovely walk by the water and walked back home through the city. I was lucky because it started raining when I got home. So, I had a very cozy day today. Let's see what tomorrow brings.