Adventure is waiting
Adventure is waiting

A tough nut to crack

Tshaj tawm: 25.01.2017

The slow time in Hana is coming to an end, and I actually feel a little nostalgic, as I have become accustomed to my gecko family, the village shop where there is decent coffee, and being alone with my car.
So what have I learned in just over two weeks with solar energy, purified rainwater, gardening, and meditation? According to my hostess: 'We have to save water and energy,' she said, revving the engine of her 4-wheel drive for a good 5 minutes while she stored things in the shed. Well, I guess that only applies to certain resources.
Furthermore, I now know a little about weeding in Hawaii, how to sit still and think of nothing, that a washing machine washes clothes better than I do by hand, and most importantly, that you don't have to panic or flail around wildly just because you walk into a spider web.
I have also learned a lot about myself, and I now believe that taking a break every few years is necessary to avoid going insane.
I have also learned from experience that you shouldn't mess with waves. This happened at the beach near the house: I was chatting with another swimmer when suddenly, I was unsuspectingly carried away by a wave, not knowing which way was up or down, water rushing into my nose and coming out through my mouth, you know the drill, paddling frantically, fearing that I would drown or have a saltwater overdose. Eventually, I resurface with my mouth wide open, gasping for air, realizing that the water only came up to my knees. I just about survived. I wanted to shout 'Oooooh Goooood, Jeeeesus Chriiiiist I survived!!!', but all I heard from the person next to me was 'Are you ok?' and I immediately realized how embarrassing it was, so I playfully said 'haha, sure!' and jumped back into the water, still busy blowing half a liter of water out of my nose. So, don't swim alone, it's dangerous!
Then I discovered that initially, I had a strange skepticism towards self-grown fruit and vegetables. What nonsense, a clear sign that I have neglected my connection to nature too much. I was delighted to discover that avocados, bananas, and lemons that I picked from the tree actually contain what you would expect. And now I happily sprinkle pink flowers in my salad that taste like nothing, steam green leaves that I don't recognize but taste like spinach, and eat raw another kind of green leaves that taste like green leaves with a hint of spiciness, I season my mini eggplants and chayotes with lemongrass, basil, and other green leaves that taste like coriander.
What I really miss is a freshly made bed that smells like laundry detergent. Ideally, one where I don't have to wonder if something is living underneath and have to search the sheets for something creepy before sleeping. But oh well, that can wait.

I got a little scared when the weather suddenly turned and one evening a rude rain and wind came. So, being alone in the hut was very nice until now, but not when the wind is howling whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaa, wwwwwwwwhhhoooooooaaa, really spooky due to the lightweight construction of the shack. And the rain is so strong that I can no longer hear my cheerful salsa music that is supposed to save me from impending panic. And it's pitch dark and there's only one light bulb. Furthermore, I have been alone on the farm since Thursday because the hostess went away for a week. When you start to realize that you are clearly visible thanks to the outside lighting, but you can't see anything yourself, it becomes clear that you have neither internet nor cell phone network... hmmm not good.
On the first evening, I sat petrified in front of my tablet and played games for two hours, secretly looking around. On the second evening, I made roasted caramelized macadamia nuts as a farewell gift for my hostess. The nuts are very hard, but I cracked them anyway.

Teb (4)

hahahaha amor, wie lustig, dass eine kleine Welle dich komplett umgestülpt hat....pobechita mi cosita...hehehe....wenn ich dort gewessen wäre, hätte ich dir gar nicht geholfen, sondern totgelacht...hahahahaha

Jaaaaaaaa das hab ich mir auch gedacht dass du gelacht hättest. :-DD aber ich hätte mitgelacht ;-) wie als du einmal aus dem Meer rlrennen wolltest und in dieses Loch gefallen bist "cule hueco!!!" Hahahahaha

hahahaha si verdad, cule hueco vale..:)

Rüdiger sagte gerade.... (hatte ihm etwas vorgelesen. Er sitzt mir gegenüber an unseren grossen selbstdesignten Schreibtisch ;O) ) ...: MUTIGES MÄDCHEN! Er meinte Dich damit! :O)