After the bike tour, it's time for camping.

Hoʻopuka ʻia: 21.08.2023

I've been looking forward to this for a year.

Camping. Wild, free, one with nature.

I take the train from Greifswald to Rövershagen.

No one warned me. Trains are full, taking bikes is a risk.

I dare it and get the receipt right at the beginning. No more space. The conductor, quite annoyed, doesn't want to let me in. The announcement repeats, 'Travelers, be careful at the edge of the platform, the doors are closing now.' Not without me and my beloved bicycle, I think and run to the next compartment. Full..., I squeeze myself and my bike in anyway. Wat mut, dat mut.

Suck in my stomach and close the doors. Phew, lucky me.😅

I breathe shallowly - Stralsund is not far. My train is delayed, so I miss the connecting train. The travelers are annoyed. I soak it all in, I'm on vacation and can rest later.

When we arrive in Stralsund, the NDR team is waiting for us.

I want to know which celebrities are going to be interviewed. The interviewer responds that the NDR wants to ask the travelers of the next train about the crowded trains. I could report, I mean..., but she wants to wait for the arriving train.

Of course, the photos have to be right.

Since I have a 2-hour layover, I want to go to downtown Stralsund. But first, I have to get down the stairs with my bike. The elevators, as it could be, are broken. I ask someone for help. He says that he could do it alone. I try to dissuade him.

When he lifts my bike and falls to the ground under the weight, he says, oh, an e-bike. I deny and answer, 'just excess baggage'.🤣

Stralsund is beautiful, in Stralsund I finally get my long-awaited roasted chicken.

I stuff my hungry belly with a fresh peach and an ice cream cone.

Now I'm back at the main train station and try to get to the corresponding platform with my bike. This time I'm approached. Fiftysomething solo traveler with bike and luggage, just like me.

He reveals a lot about himself. Comes from Hannover and was on further training. He combined it with a bike tour. He asks me how many kilometers I do in a day?

Train station as a dating pool? It could work, but not today....

and definitely not my type. Too bad.

The next train is going to be fun. I'm in the middle of a group of men. I suspect a bachelor party.

They all wear the same t-shirt with their names on it.👕

The mood is lively and one joke follows another.

'Come in, come closer, here you'll be screwed just like next door.'

And when a young girl sits down on the floor, one says, 'but don't stick!'😆

I can't stop laughing. The journey is entertaining and I don't want to get off. Of course, I get one more joke before leaving, 'We love when you get off in Rövershagen, ride to Rostock, and then celebrate.' 😅

But I've reached my destination.🚴‍♀️

Only 10 km left with the bike to Markgrafenheide and I can finally set up our tent.🏕️
