
Supermarket only with face mask and: an end in sight :O :O (day 203 + 204 of the world trip)

Hoʻopuka ʻia: 27.03.2020

25.03. + 26.03.2020

Yesterday and today we went out on the street only for shopping (as we have been doing in the past few days) :p :D

In the morning, we always spend about an hour on the rooftop terrace with Irving, and we also stop by there in the afternoon if there is enough shade ;-)

Antigua itself remains quiet. Around noon, the streets get crowded as everyone finishes their errands before the supermarket closes at 2:00 pm and there is a curfew from 4:00 pm, but other than that, not much is happening here.

People are following the rules, but there have been two new cases of Corona: similar to us Germans, the Americans in Guatemala were also flown out with a special flight in the past few days. So that the outbound flight was not empty, the Americans also took illegal Guatemalan immigrants with them. And they brought the Corona virus with them as soon as they arrived here… -.-

Other than that, we continue to occupy ourselves with our phones and a bit of "exercise," and yesterday we spent several hours on the phone with my family because my little sister had her birthday, and we were able to play board games with them via video call <3 :D

While we were on the phone, suddenly the email arrived that everyone here has been waiting for since March 18th: The date for the return flight is set!!! :O :O

Since there are between 400 and 500 Germans here and the capacity of the planes is about 250 passengers, there will be one plane flying from Guatemala City to Frankfurt on Sunday and another one on Monday.

Upon receiving this news, the WhatsApp group went wild again, speculating about the criteria for assigning one of the flights :D

Jonas and I just waited and today, about an hour ago, we received an email that we should be at the airport at 7:00 am on March 29th so that we can take off at 9:55 am!!

There will be a refueling stop in the Dominican Republic, so it is unclear when we will land in Frankfurt – probably sometime Monday morning local time^^

It feels strange that it's now concrete. On the one hand, we are quite disappointed that our world trip will end prematurely in this way. We still had Central America and South America on the agenda! :O

In addition, we now have to take care of various things at short notice and cannot visit all friends directly, because it is currently not recommended (at least if it is in other federal states ;-) ). We had planned to do this in a relaxed manner in June/July, but now it will happen much earlier...

On the other hand, family and friends are waiting for us in Germany :) Hobbies will have to wait for now, but they will eventually come back <3

For our last two days here (so crazy! Only two more days abroad!!!), we will probably do the same as we have done in the past two weeks and enjoy the sun, eat, and reflect on our return home and our experiences of the past six months ;-)


Hōʻike huakaʻi Kuakemala