
Namibia 2024: Safari Time

Hoʻopuka ʻia: 16.05.2024

Namibia 2024: Safari Time

Today we want to drive across Etosha to our next accommodation, Namutoni.

Before that, we try to enjoy the state breakfast.

Everything that makes up a breakfast was there. However, if there was a prize for the most unloving presentation of a buffet, this would be right up there.

Anyway, let's go!

There are about 150 kilometers of wilderness ahead of us and we have to keep our eyes open in all directions.

I keep my eyes on the track, which is riddled with potholes so big that our Toyota would disappear into them.

The other passengers keep an eye out for the animals.

And barely 10 kilometers later we come to the waterhole where we discovered the lioness covered in blood from the hunt in 2017.

We can't believe our luck, 4 lionesses are meeting today.

We are speechless and enjoy the moment after all the cameras have clicked enough!

When the lionesses have retired for their afternoon nap, I get our load moving again and have to be careful not to touch any zebras crossing the track.

Here the term zebra crossing takes on a whole new meaning!

Next we drive to the Olifantsbad waterhole.

Actually, we should play the lottery today.

3 large herds of elephants are there at the same time to splash around.

Young and old have great fun in the elephant wellness bath!

Today we really have all kinds of African animals in front of our lens!

Let’s just let a few pictures speak for themselves:

Because of the many animal encounters and the bad track, we actually need 6 hours to cover the 150 kilometers to Namotoni.

Every minute was more than worth it.

Now we are placing ourselves under state care for the second time.

This time the check-in is friendlier, but with the same formalities.

We are allocated a bush chalet and a double room.

We visit both and are initially shocked by the poor condition of the entire complex.

The double room is quite nice inside.

The bush chalet is very worn out and so we decide to downgrade to 2 double rooms. We have never done that before!!

Of course we will not receive a refund!

We settle in and get ready for the sundowner.

However, the Internet brought us down from cloud nine of euphoria.

When logging on to the Internet, Susi & Carsten received the very sad news that their beloved friend Sylvia passed away last night after a serious illness.

The tears flow, how can joy and sorrow be so close together????

Sadly, we toast Sylvia with a glass of wine.

She must have noticed this and sent a herd of elephants straight to our fence to comfort us.

Our thoughts are with Sylvia, Willi and the whole family.

Sylvia, take care, you will be missed!

I don’t want to waste any more words on this today.

Good night Africa!


Hōʻike huakaʻi Namibia