
It's kind of funny when you get off the rolling train alone with a guide in the middle of nowhere🙈🙈 The train ride itself was already an experience! (MachuPicchu Peru Rail) Tough InkaTrail tour in the Urubamba Valley on the way to MachuPicchu! A magnificent experience on the ancient trails of the Incas at almost 3000m altitude and very steep and difficult paths! After over 6 hours and about 1100 altitude meters, the long-awaited view through "SunGate" on one of the seven wonders of the world! Indescribable! Every drop of sweat was worth this hike! Greetings from Aquas Calientes! Well, now the missing pictures of our MachuPicchu we climbed the mountain next to MP to get a great view of the whole complex! The Hofemer mountain goat and the Unterländer pack animal managed it well! It was worth it!

Hoʻopuka ʻia: 12.09.2019

Pane (2)

Wadenmuskel-Training😜...krass wer hat all die Steinchen da hoch geschleppt?

Des Isch mir au a Rätsel