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...lost in Paradise - alle guten Dinge sind drei...

Pemuteran... The wild west?

Hoʻopuka ʻia: 29.06.2019

Arriving in Pemuteran, I had to hurry so that I could book a snorkeling tour for the next day. Unfortunately, it wasn't possible at the hotel, as at least two people are required here. This is often the case in Bali. Solo travelers are constantly being harassed 😂 Either you have to pay a lot or you don't get a tour at all. Well, I walked around a bit and then found an agency where I could book a snorkeling tour. After that, I just relaxed at the hotel. This time I chose a better hotel with a bungalow right on the beach. In the evening, I focused on planning the next few days. I really want to go to Mount Ijen on the neighboring island of Java. On one hand, I contacted a driver that I knew from Ubud, and on the other hand, my current driver gave me a contact. I then decided on the second one, and we're leaving at 11 PM on Saturday to see the sunrise on the volcano. Let's see how it turns out...

Well, on Friday morning, we went snorkeling on Menjangan Island. Simply amazing... Thousands of fish and large coral reefs, and we were greeted by dolphins 😎😎😎

The journey there was quite spectacular. Since there are also big waves here, the little boat was just jumping from wave to wave. I don't think the bow even touched the water. The driver had his fun, and it felt more like a roller coaster ride, where you think, okay, thanks, I've experienced enough, that's it, and from the driver's cabin you only hear... 'Win, win, win, another fun ride, get on board, have fun. No dilly-dallying here. The glazier smashes the window and says a new one needs to be put in'.

Other than that, I didn't do anything on Friday afternoon and the whole Saturday except lying on the beach all day... Sounds weird, but it's true 😂

Although on Saturday afternoon, I rented a board again and went stand-up paddleboarding (yeah, I've gotten the hang of it). But since the wind was so strong, it actually pushed me out quite a bit, without me realizing it. I had quite a job getting back to shore. My swimsuit was completely full, but at least it was a good arm workout 😂.

Tonight I'm going to Mount Ijen and I still have no real plan for what comes next. I'll discuss that with the driver... Well, it'll work out somehow 😅


Hōʻike huakaʻi ʻInidonesia