Lisa goes New Zealand
Lisa goes New Zealand

1 year in New Zealand - What do I do there and why?

Hoʻopuka ʻia: 05.05.2024

Why New Zealand and why now?

It has been clear to me for some time now that I would like to immerse myself in another country for a longer period of time. To see "something different" again, to change perspectives and leave my comfort zone. When I went from high school to university and then straight into working life, the right opportunity never really arose. But what if it never comes? True to the motto "now or never", I have now decided to take a break from my job, give notice on my apartment and leave Germany behind for a year.

New Zealand has always held a certain fascination for me. I always had a vague idea in my head of an incredible natural paradise... so far away, so unattainable. When I finally got to know the country more closely in a work context, I quickly realized that it has so much to offer. I am now really looking forward to learning all about New Zealand culture, history, traditions, landscape and nature, politics, food, etc.

What do I do in New Zealand?

I decided to do an International Youth Volunteer Service (IJFD) in New Zealand. In my opinion, volunteering is the best opportunity to come into contact with the locals and get to know the country as well as possible.

The IJFD was established in 2011 by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ). The ministry promotes voluntary work up to the age of 27. As a learning and educational service, the IJFD aims to convey intercultural, socio-political and personal experiences.

Theoretically, an IJFD can be completed in any country in the world, as long as there are no travel warnings or other security concerns from the Foreign Office. Volunteers have the opportunity to get involved in social, ecological or cultural areas, for example. You can find more information at

The exact area in which I will be deployed will only be announced shortly before departure. The projects offered are mainly in the social sector (working with children and young people, people with disabilities, senior citizens), but also in the environmental sector.

What I didn't know at the beginning: IJFD only stands for the name of the sponsored program and not for the sending organization. The IJFD is implemented by one of around 130 recognized organizations. And out of all these great organizations, I chose the organization "ICJA Volunteer Exchange Worldwide eV." More on that in the next post.

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Julia Annette
Liebe Lisa, vielen Dank für Deine ausführliche Schilderung Deines Weges und der allgemeinen Informationen. Ich finde es ganz toll, dass Du diesen Weg gehst. Es ist sehr mutig und bestimmt spannend. Auch, dass es diesen IJFD und die Förderung der Bundesregierung gibt, finde ich toll. Ich unterstütze Dich gerne dabei. Für die weiteren Vorbereitungen wünsche ich Dir gutes Gelingen und viel Vorfreude. Ich freue mich von Dir hier demnächst zu lesen. Liebe Grüße

Hōʻike huakaʻi Kelemānia