
Jungle and exotic fruits

Hoʻopuka ʻia: 12.08.2019

So I met today with Clement. In the city we observed a group of goats who had no human guide, even tho someone owns them. They usually know where they have to go. They are pretty smart and walked in the express lane so they were faster then the surrounding traffic 🤣

Clement is another Couchsurfer, and we went to the Kakum national park. It has these hanging bridges high above the jungle which are really cool but you have to go with a guide (as always in nature here 🙄) and are in a huge group which makes the whole thing less awesome. Especially because its holidays right now and there are plenty of teenagers who scream like they were stabbed one after another. I've been warned of this by travelers I met before but it was really intense. Of course there was no animal to be seen with this noise.

Still, the view was great and I got some nice shots:

I wonder how the soil gets up there 🤔

There are seven of these bridges between seven trees and they are quite long.
The construction was typical for the style here: They used something with a different purpose for their thing and it works like a charm. In this case the floor is made out of ladders.
We were allowed to walk back from the bridges to the boot camp on our own (without the guide) and I was done pretty fast, so I could stroll alone through the jungle. I've found these ants who seem to build a tunnel with ants who dont move. It looks wicked.
You can find a video of the ants with this link (highly recommend watching it and it demonstrates how good the camera of this phone actually is 🤣):
Here are other ants who also look really cool:

Here it looks like a new tree is growing in the remainings of a tree of the same kind (the young tree seemed to be perfectly healthy).

On our way back we went by Tro-tro, same as we came and it had a minor break down.
So they took off the exhaust pipe..
..realised they've lost a wheelnut and tried to keep on driving (without adding another wheelnut or fixing the pipe) but the sliding door at the side of the car came off. That was fixed with some hard bangs so the wheel of the door jumped back in its position and screeched as usual 👍
I really love these Tro-tros.

A drink called "palm wine" is really common here.
Its the fluid of a palm tree and just filled in bottles, if I understood that right.
It looks a bit like water mixed with cleaning soap, but has actually a refreshing sour coconut taste to it and it gets gas on itself, naturally. Clement told me that these drinks get a lot of alcohol after two days. And they are incredibly cheap, half a liter costs 2 cedis, thats around 34 Euro cents.

Afterwards I wanted to try fresh, local fruits and got myself a mango, a papaya and a starfruit.
The mango was just splendid. I really loved it. Might consider to eat fruits for breakfast from now on..
The papaya was also good but I'm more the mango type. Locals here only call it Popo and some dont know what a papaya is, which was confusing for me at first but hey 🤷🏻‍♂️
This is the starfruit, which I have seen for the first time in my life. Sadly it was not ripe and tasted really sour. They have to be yellow from the outside and this one was green. I will update about them when I got a good one!
I also got this avocado but couldn't eat it yet. 
While I was typing I noticed this little cutie devouring a fly on my jeans. The spider felt pretty comfortable there and I thought I'd share it.
That's it from me so far, tonight is going to be spent at the beach (probably atleast) but I'll not risk a hangover like yesterday 🤣

Love and peace

Hōʻike huakaʻi Gāna