Hotdog and B-Bemme

પ્રકાશિત: 23.07.2024

Hello dear photo-guggers and readers, I can already see you longingly checking our WhatsApp status three times a day to see if there is a new blog ;-) so I don't want to keep you in suspense any longer.

The night before yesterday we had another delicious barbecue, finished off the last of the pasta salad and I tried to make a liverwurst-B-Bemme in Wish quality. Toast and fine liverwurst are just not the same, but whatever. You don't know what a B-Bemme is? Haha... you've missed something, the best thing there is when it comes to barbecuing! I'd be happy to explain it to you, just ask ;-)

Yesterday morning, at around 10 a.m., we set off on our journey after everything had been stowed away, emptied and refilled. We stopped briefly at Biltema and ICA to do a few purchases. Then we drove for miles along the eastern shore of Lake Vättern under cloudy skies, but it didn't rain - the weather forecast hasn't become any more reliable this year either.
The first place we settled down was a parking space at a sailing club near Motala. The place wasn't so bad, there would have been plenty to look at. Sailing boats, other boats and water... but my gut feeling was wrong. The sanitary building was (I'm just describing it based on my feelings and impressions, maybe it's exaggerated) a big, long wooden house with a veranda, where "old fogies" sat in front of it and looked at everyone who wasn't one of them. Unfortunately, I didn't feel comfortable there at all and was able to convince André to drive a few more kilometers.
So about an hour later we ended up at yesterday's overnight spot: the golf club in Åmmeberg. They have actually set up a parceled camper van parking area for around 20 vehicles, which can also use the sanitary facilities, there is also a supply and disposal station and all for less than 20€ WITH electricity per night.
Absolute insider tip. We were able to watch a few golfers practicing their tee shots, André later tried to collect a few T's and balls and we also got a free souvenir from the tennis court. On the meadow in front of us there were lots of bumblebees and bees bustling around in the clover and there were also a few birds to watch.
There wasn't much else exciting to experience, but it was only meant to be a place to spend the night. In the evening the rain that had been forecast came: 3 drops, that was it.
This morning, after coffee and porridge, we cleared the field and drove further north. We filled up on the way and bought some more grilled meat in one of the biggest Coop markets we've ever seen... there you can find everything in XXL: shrimp, tube shelves with everything you can squeeze into tubes, cheese galore... simply amazing! In the end I got 3 sirloin steaks for around €8, which was enough.
What couldn't be missed was the obligatory Circle K French Hotdog. That was our almost daily travel snack last year. It used to be called Kettwurst. A toasted hotdog bun, not cut open but with a hole in the top with ketchup and a sausage stuck in it. You can get one at every Circle K gas station here, but we just didn't document it once last year! Today was the day. It's like the 100km apple drive from mom and dad :-) a French hotdog a day is obligatory.

Now we are here, a little over 500km from Skeda Beach, at a campsite on Lake Siljan. It was cloudy all day, but now the sun is shining on us again. Everything is set up, furnished, and we are watching the boats and waves on the lake.
The operators speak up to 6 languages! Swedish, English, German, Dutch and a little Spanish/Italian. The toilets have fallen to the left twice from our spot. To our right is a senior citizen couple from Stade. HE is definitely a civil servant, or was. "Before you tie up, keep a distance of 4 meters from your neighbors. Better move your car again." So we have already made friends :-D
No matter. We ordered bread rolls and nice weather at reception for tomorrow morning. Because we're staying here for another 2 nights.
And then, dear readers... then things get really exciting: will we defeat our final boss from last year? Or will there be a new attempt in 2025? (More on this in the next few days)

Stay tuned

જવાબ આપો (3)

Hab mich wieder köstlich amüsiert.

Klingt ja echt spannend. Aber in eurem Alter schon Golfen? 🏌️ Oder habt ihr noch S…🙈 Eigentlich will ich’s gar nicht wissen! 🤣 Und ich denke jetzt schon, ohne zu wissen was ihr meint, es gibt einen neuen Versuch 2025. Liege ich da falsch? Schöne Reise!

Ihr schafft den Endgegner und ich wünsche euch viel Erfolg und Exemplare zur Auswahl. Viel Spaß und gute Fahrt

મુસાફરી અહેવાલો સ્વીડન