Drive, sleep, arrive, hike!

પ્રકાશિત: 19.07.2024

We are finally reporting from our idyllic first place in Sweden.
Yesterday the day began at 7 a.m. with the alarm clock ringing. On vacation. Once again. But it was no use, we had a tight program planned for the day. We received this year's vehicle from our trusted motorhome rental company well ahead of schedule. An alcove model similar to 2019. But this time just for the two of us, a bit more power and a bit more new. We were back home earlier than expected at 11:30 (André got into our driveway WITHOUT any problems on the first try), and it was time to pack up. Our junior was a big help, because he lugged boxes and bags up and down the stairs without complaining. Thanks Calvin And then we got on the motorway earlier than expected at around 1:30 in the afternoon with the destination: Rostock ferry port. There was a brief stop'n'go at the Schönefelder Kreuz because of the construction site, but otherwise everything went like clockwork.
At 6:45 p.m. we were already at the TT-LINE terminal and 4 hours later - after we had again watched the loading and unloading process with fascination - we set off on the ferry.
The night in the inside cabin was really short after this long day. At 5 a.m. the alarm bell roared us out of bed. On deck we were able to admire the entrance to Trelleborg harbor at a beautiful sunrise, which made up for our tiredness a little.
I had already chosen a place in advance where we wanted to arrive in peace. We got there at around 7:30 a.m. and were quite happy with it. We still had to put the sheets on, sort out a few things and then we were really overcome by tiredness. So we got into our pajamas and had another nap until midday.
The place is a normal parking lot for hikers. It's free and you're allowed to park your camper van there too.
Freshly rested, we fortified ourselves with a lunch from a can - rice pot with meatballs - before we were finally able to walk a few steps. There is a forest area adjacent to this, similar to our heath, where there are hiking trails to the local castle with a beautiful castle park. Flowers, fountains, horses, butterflies... this is a great way to start your vacation.
Now we are sitting here, having made plans for tomorrow and are letting the day end comfortably. Tomorrow we will continue in our favorite direction. North. But for us there is actually only one good direction when traveling.... ;-)

Stay tuned, see you soon

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Euer Blog funktioniert, super. Sehr schöne Bilder. Euch viel Spaß bei allem, was ihr so unternehmt und schöne Erlebnisse

Klingt ja alles super. Und sogar aus der Elbmetropole DD gibt’s Fans - seid gegrüßt! Woher die euch wohl kennen :-) Na dann gute Weiterfahrt!

Der Start war ja super. So kann es bestimmt weitergehen. Ich freue mich schon auf deine weiteren Reiseberichte.

Viel Spaß euch bei allem was ihr macht.

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