Riding in the corner

उजवाडाक आयलां: 05.04.2024

My owner Daniela had only just adopted me when my first journey began.

At the tender age of only 15 weeks, that was July 2021, we went to the mountains to the sweet little town of Reit im Winkel.

My big brother Floyd was still there back then. I'm very sad that he's no longer here.

But we dogs live in the here and now, we don't worry about what tomorrow will bring. Maybe that's not the worst attitude to life after all.

The ice-cold mountain lakes were ideal for Floyd's swollen leg and, at 15 weeks old, I couldn't walk as long as I would have liked.

So it was more of a relaxing holiday than a hiking holiday.

But see for yourself what great things there were to experience.

This blog will be a blog for future travels.

Therefore, the past ones will only be presented briefly.

If you click on the arrow above, you can see all the pictures


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#berge#travel# dackel#paul# reit#im#winkel#hunde

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