Day 2 - Pierrelatte

Oñemoherakuãva: 03.04.2019

Hello everyone :)

No, we're not trying to improve our French skills here, so far we've managed without them :)

Although, I thought the cashier at a shop asked if I needed a receipt - turns out she was asking about some collectible stickers *embarrassed look*... Kevin kindly corrected my misunderstanding :)

But let's start from the beginning:

This was our first night in France and we slept surprisingly well. Before we left, we heard various horror stories about camping in France and we were really worried. However, now that we're here, we realize that our concerns were apparently unnecessary. Most people are very friendly and there's no sense of threat at all. Of course, the rule of 'use common sense' applies here too, but we're confident that we'll be fine.

After getting some rest, we took a leisurely shower and headed to this crocodile farm. Since it's raining today and the farm is located indoors, it was the perfect outing for today.

The farm was beautifully decorated, with slightly smaller enclosures and some really huge ones. The animals were not always separated by glass, which created a sense of closeness. We enjoyed the tour, admired the calm way these crocodiles swim in the water, watched snakes cuddling, and saw baby turtles sleeping. We really liked this place and feel that the 17 euros admission fee was well worth it. :)

Afterwards, our stomachs were growling and we went shopping. Now we have food for lunch, dinner, and surely tomorrow's breakfast.

After another hour's drive, we reached the infamous 'Pont du Gard'. We were there... Really... Although it was a bit... Well... Us :)

The parking lots indicated that it costs 10 euros per person, unless you park for less than 20 minutes. Once we parked, we immediately ran towards the bridge, thinking, 'we can do this, just a few photos and then leave.'

However, there was an entrance there and you're only allowed in after paying for the parking ticket :)

Since neither of us is particularly interested in history or architecture, we felt that paying 20 euros for one or two photos was a bit excessive. Besides, we pass by beautiful buildings and bridges all the time :). So, we changed our minds and drove on to the campsite.

On the road, after a sharp left turn, something suddenly crashed in our kitchen and then it sounded like a thousand little beads bursting out of a bag. We knew we didn't have any beads or anything like that with us, so we carefully turned around... A jar of sauce inexplicably fell from the upper cabinet and landed directly on our glass stove cover (which was also made of glass). The jar of sauce remained intact - compliments to Barilla, these jars are really hard to break *grin* - but our stove cover didn't survive... There were glass shards scattered everywhere in the camper and we spent the next half hour cleaning up the mess.

On the way, we encountered another motorhome with a license plate from Bern. Even though we've only been on the road for a short time, it's already reached the point where in such a situation, you say 'cool, look! More Swiss people!' )

In addition, we also realized today that we have both completely adapted to the motorhome: showering, cooking, sleeping, the tight space...

It's really fascinating how quickly such an adaptation can happen :)

Now we have arrived at the 'Camping Magnanarelles' campsite and Max has given us a beautiful pitch surrounded by reeds. We really like it here and we're enjoying the evening with a view of lush greenery :)

We keep hearing dogs barking and Max told us that there are many wild boars around here - perhaps a hunting season?

Just now, we decided that tomorrow we will go to 'Roses' in Spain. There are nice pitches there, a charming little village, and a diving school.

Maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, we'll finally have another dive after a long time :)

Mbohovái (4)

Faszinierend euer Erlebtes zu lesen. Danke😘 Ich wünsche euch eine gute Nacht und vergesst nicht, ich denke immer an euch❤️ Kuss Mami

:) Danke dir! Auch wir denken immer an euch ;) Knuddel

Toll eure Storys echt spannend zulesen!


Marandu jeguata rehegua Francia