Sylvi geht auf Weltreise
Sylvi geht auf Weltreise

23.4. Gia Hostel

Publié: 25.04.2023

Today is moving day again - this time to Gia Hostel. Honestly, saying goodbye to Abraham Hostel is hard. It's only a 20-minute walk away. I first check out the area and I'm shocked by the surroundings - buildings like in the third world - noisy - there's a lot of construction going on. Google leads me through a 'homeless' alley. The hostel itself is also small at the entrance. Then I take a bus from there to the beach - can only check in from 3 pm. I've been looking for a hairdresser since Friday, but everything is closed on Saturdays - it's their Sunday and Sunday is Monday. I walk from the beach to a nearby hairdresser and find a great one who is free right away. So I finally cut my hair - so much better. Then back to the hostel - and surprise - the rooms are great. I have a room all to myself. Eat and go to bed - I booked Massada, En Gedi, and the Dead Sea for the next day - I have to get up at 4 am and be at Abraham Hostel at 6:30 am. A girl comes into the room at night - but she goes straight to bed.

