Publié: 20.11.2019
The week in Hobart was simply wonderful. I chilled out in the warm hostel between the fireplace and the armchair in the living room.
Offering massages to improve the travel budget ;) Backpackers often have back pain.
We simply rented a car again because it can get down to 8 degrees at night.
Travel route towards the north
However, this model unfortunately turned out to be a bit small (despite being the same class). Too small to sleep in the trunk.
How to turn a car into a home:
1. Buy air mattresses for 4.50€ each
2. Fold down the front seats completely
*ptsching* Deluxe lying surface!
3. Bathroom = sea / fresh water bag
4. Kitchen = cool bag with ice
First, we headed to the east of the island to St. Helen to the Bay of Fires. Along the rocks, there is an intense red ring of lichens.
Then we go to Freycinet National Park to the Wineglass Bay! One of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Here, you could advertise anything!!
From here, we start our three-day trekking trip. Camping on the dream beach, relaxed beautiful uphill climb, and beautiful forests!
What could go wrong? You leave breakfast in the backpack in the awning. A brush-tailed possum comes in, presses the backpack, eats through the bags and eats half of the flatbread. Spilling muesli and powdered milk. Wildlife up close. So the rest of the muesli with water. Swelled and ready :)
Now we're in the north of the island in Launceston, listening to the extraordinary bird concert in Narawntapu National Park!
Sunny greetings
from Tassie!