
Puerto Varas

Publié: 07.02.2020

Today's route stage 623 Km. on the Panamericana towards Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. The PanAm, as it is also called, is completely unspectacular here, it could be anywhere in the world. Final destination today Puerto Varas on Lake Llanquihue, just before Puerto Montt. From the town you can see the majestic volcano Orsono directly. Interesting, in the town there is a German club, founded in the 18th century. There is even a casino, like the ones you know from Las Vegas. Today's accommodation again in a sports hall. Tomorrow we have three appointments in Puerto Montt and in the evening we will take a ferry overnight, further south, as the overland route would set us back at least one day due to another fully booked small ferry.


Rapports de voyage Chili