Michi's Ghanatrip
Michi's Ghanatrip

Cape Coast Castle

Publié: 05.05.2018

Yesterday morning after breakfast, we visited the castle in Cape Coast. Around 1650, the castle served mainly as a slave trade center. First, we had a guided tour of the dungeons, where we heard a lot of terrible history. The British held about 60 million slaves in the castle over the years, of which only 12 million survived. Women were separated from their husbands and children, and depending on their strength, they were sold to America or Europe for a high or low price. So many people had to live in small dungeons that they were sitting on top of each other. Many people died without much food, windows, or toilets. It was very exciting and also shocking to see what humans are capable of. The museum provided us with further information about life there.

For lunch, we had Ghanaian dishes like palava sauce and egg sauce with plantain. Another highlight was our guard dog. A small dog slept in front of our bungalow all night. And when I had to go to the toilet at night, she even accompanied me. When we left, I took a photo of her - I would have loved to take her with me! In the sunshine, we took a trotro to Winneba in the afternoon to attend the hunting festival over the weekend.


Rapports de voyage Ghana