
New Year's Eve in Fitjar

Publié: 02.01.2023

Well-rested, we continue our journey the next morning at 9:30 am and arrive in Fitjar around 3 pm, about 280 km later. On the way, we pass through Egersund, Stavanger, and Haugesund. We are especially proud of our fluffy travel companion, Moped: she has her spot in the back of the car and has spent the travel time so far in deep sleep. That makes us very happy, as we were not quite sure how she would handle the long car rides. As she gets older, her patience shrinks, which means we have to adjust to the daily routine and circumstances accordingly.

Since we have now covered 3/4 of the distance to Bergen, we decide not to be 'on the road' for the next few days and book a wonderful attic apartment for the next few days. Six big windows provide a fabulous panoramic view of mountains, lake, and forest - in other words, pure nature. In addition, there is the absolute highlight of a private sauna in the bathroom, a big bathtub, fresh eggs from the owner's chickens, and a drum set for Axel to unleash his musical creativity.

And so we spend our first New Year's Eve in Norway and enjoy fireworks in the snow. We notice that the locals here in the area only set off fireworks for 20-30 minutes and then it's quiet. What a positive contrast to the Ruhr area.
On New Year's Day, our host hangs the Norwegian flag on the flagpole, as is tradition. Hoisting the flag is subject to special regulations in Norway and usually only takes place on public holidays from 8 am to sunset (but no later than 9 pm).
Back in Norway, we quickly realize the decelerating effect the country has on us.

We wish you all a Happy New Year - godt nyttår!


Rapports de voyage Norvège