
Tag 53: Big Brook Forest - Karri Forest Explorer - Hamelin Bay

Publié: 04.11.2018

The big boys are the first ones to wake up and play Lego. Gradually, everyone is ready for breakfast. The weather is great today and we decide to go for a morning hike at the last minute. We march from the campsite to Big Brook Dam with the stroller (round trip 6 km). A beautiful walk in the forest!

To conclude our tour through the forests, we drive through the northern part of the Karri Forest Explorer. A total of 86 km scenic drive through various national park forests around Pemberton. Very nice! We have our lunch break at Beedaloop Waterfall. We have sausages and rice pudding. Our two big guys are feeling weak today. Samuel is pretty groggy. He has a headache and slightly elevated temperature, and Michi is suffering from headache and back pain. They take a lunch break while I go to the waterfall alone.

In the afternoon, it's time to say goodbye to the forests! We really enjoyed our time here. You can experience nature up close! Really awesome!

Now we are heading back to the sea. Our destination for today is Hamelin Bay. We arrive at the campsite there at 5 PM. It's quite busy there. We do some laundry and take a trip to the beach. Stingrays are said to swim in the shallow water here. Unfortunately, we don't find any. It has gotten cloudy again and it's getting cooler. So we only stay for a short while. Tonight, we're cooking meat patties with mashed potatoes. Samuel is still quite exhausted and already asleep before dinner.


Accommodation: Hamelin Bay Holiday Park (1 night, 62 AUD, basic site)

Weather: sunny & cloudy, 18 degrees Celsius

150 kilometers traveled today, total of 8,440 km
