
Didgeridoo and boomerang

Publié: 02.11.2023

I'm in Yepoon, a small town almost 700km north of Brisbane. I'm told it's crocodile territory from here! Namely the saltwater crocodiles, which you definitely don't want to encounter. Traveling on foot doesn't work so well here anyway. It's hot (the thermometer in the car showed almost 40 degrees), the sun is burning relentlessly and it's humid too.

Not far from Yepoon is the "Dreamtime Cultural Center", a place where the history of the Aborigines is discussed. I found that very exciting, so I braved the heat and set off. Free tours are offered twice a day in the center. I was there way too early for the second tour, so I had time to walk through the area alone. And I was indeed alone. There were very few visitors there. The area is quite old and unfortunately no longer in good condition. But I really wanted to take the tour, as if I had been waiting there for the hour. When the guide came, I was still alone. So I had a private tour - just the guide and me. He told me a few things about the Aborigines, especially about their life 100 years ago, and then took me to a cave where he played the didgeridoo. That was a really great sound, partly reminiscent of animals, which the guide confirmed to me. Afterwards there was an introduction to throwing the boomerang. I really wanted to learn that anyway! He threw the boomerang and it actually landed about a meter to our left! Since I was the only participant in the tour, I was allowed to throw the remaining boomerangs. Let's put it this way: I still have to practice! But a boomerang at least made a semicircle 😃


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