2020 granny stockholm
2020 granny stockholm

June 6 Botanical Garden

Publié: 06.06.2019

Today I actually slept until 9:30 am. But I have to say, I go to bed relatively late here. The brightness tempts you to stay up late in the evenings. Then I did my usual duties:

Tidied up the kitchen, made the children's beds, and threw everything that is on the floor into the laundry. Karin had already started a load of laundry, so I hung it up and started the next load. Only then did I get dressed and have breakfast. After that, I also hung up the other load. The kids have the habit of throwing everything on the floor. I don't mind, I pick it up and put everything in the laundry. Ironing is not done here, so I don't care.

Afterwards, I went to the Botanical Garden today. It was very, very beautiful. Only the way there was not so pleasant. I walked along the road a lot. But tonight I saw on the map that there is another way. I will go back to this garden because there is a music museum there. I just didn't want to go to a museum in such wonderful weather. I'll save that for bad weather.

Since I didn't have to cook today, I didn't get home until 7 pm.

On the way, I treated myself to an ice cream for a whopping €5, a small ice cream that only costs €2 here.

Yesterday or the day before yesterday, I already paid €3.60 for one scoop of ice cream. Did I mention that a glass of wine costs €9.60 for 0.2 liters? But well, I don't treat myself to much else.

Today was a dream day, with a bright blue sky and sun, but I think it was only like that today. Tonight it has already started to cloud over again. Let's see what tomorrow brings. Allegedly, Karin has Fridays off at the practice. I don't quite believe it yet.

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Schöner Tag gewesen! Dann bügeln also nur wir noch?! Teuer ist Norwegen schon. Eis und Wein... Frag doch mal wie hoch dort die normalen Renten sind. Würde mich interessieren. Auf alle Fälle schönes Wetter und eine Menge guter Tage!!!

Ich glaube das Wissen meine Beiden nicht. Dafür sind sie noch zu jung. Ich schaue mal im Internet was da steht.

Habe mich über Michael eingelogt. Lese mit Freude jeden oder jeden zweiten Tag Deine Berichte. Ja teuer ist Norwegen schon immer gewesen. Als ich mit meiner Mutter mal in Bergen essen gegangen bin Haben wir für zwei Pizzen und zwei große Gläser Bier 80,00 DM gezahlt, war nicht geschenkt. In manchen Disdrikten bekommtt man auch keinen Alkohol! Liebe Grüße Doris