
A slightly different morning in Hanoi

Nai-publish: 17.04.2019

After Anke complained about pain in the kidney area yesterday and speculated about a muscle strain, neither gymnastics nor a professional massage provided any relief. Therefore, a visit to the hospital was on the agenda this morning instead of the zoo and Lotte-Hochhaus.

At the reception of our hotel, they recommended the Hong Ngoc General Hospital to us, among other things, because the doctors there speak English.

For less than 50 cents(!), we took a taxi the two kilometers there.

Hong ngoc hospital
Hong ngoc hospital

In the hospital, which is located in a very small street, it was bustling like an anthill. How are we supposed to find our way around?

The concern turned out to be unfounded, because in the entrance area, a nurse organized an English-speaking caregiver for us, who explained the procedures and processes to us.

First, 500,000 VND($21.50) is due in order to speak with a doctor. Necessary tests must then be paid for additionally. This may sound negative, but it is not, because the costs are quite reasonable for Europeans.

After paying, our caregiver showed us where to wait.

After a short time, Anke's name appeared third on a display in front of the treatment room. This made it clear when it was our turn.

The doctor considered a blood test, an ultrasound, and a urine test to be appropriate. For this, we received a kind of "run-sheet". After payment in advance, a nurse then led us to the first station and then left us. 

During the
During the 'examination rally'

But we were not left alone! Because after giving blood, we only needed to show our "run-sheet", on which everything was written in Vietnamese, and we were immediately escorted to the next examination station. That was really good! In the end, all the results were with the doctor, who read from them that there is a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). We needed some time to understand the long version correctly, because medical terms in English are not very familiar to us.

We received the necessary medication directly at the hospital according to the doctor's instructions. That means we didn't get a package of pills or tablets, but exactly the quantity that was indicated by the doctor.

After about an hour and a half, we left the hospital with a good feeling, both for the way the medical diagnosis was made and for the support within the internal processes by the staff.

Now we hope that the antibiotics will work and that we can go to Sa Pa as planned on Friday and that our seats on the bus will not remain empty, because we already booked them yesterday morning. For the time until then, it's time for Anke to rest, lie down a lot, and read a lot.


In our estimation, it is a private hospital, as even the Vietnamese patients paid for their treatment in cash or by card.

Sagot (1)

Liebe Anke, Dir alles Gute und dass die Medikamente tun, was sie sollen. Liebe Grüße Wolfgang