
Tiroler Zugspitze

Nai-publish: 28.05.2018

The real action didn't start until about 10 o'clock today. The usual camping stuff holds you back - emptying the gray water, filling up with new water, refueling and getting new grill stuff at Aldi. We headed towards Austria - Tiroler Zugspitze. The mountains! A little Heidi feeling came up. Our 'campsite' is right next to the cable car to the Zugspitze. More like a wellness hotel with a few campsites. Most of them occupied by permanent campers. We cooked lunch around 3 p.m. - everyone was hungry. Give the mother something to eat - because hunger makes you angry.

With a full stomach, we took a look around. Check the cable car prices and remind Philip that he turns 5 tomorrow. Starting from 6, he has to pay ;)

Check the playground, check the swimming pool, but the visit will be tomorrow. Alright, then let's all go and wash ourselves. Pure decadence in the temple of washing. Private bathrooms with a bathtub - that's a Swedish feeling. While the children splash around, the parents finally have time for personal hygiene. Off to bed, cozy watching a movie, and then tomorrow at an altitude of almost 3000 meters.

Sagot (1)

Wir sind neugierig, wie hoch ihr tatsächlich fahrt. 3000 m ist doch allerhand und vergesst die warmen Sachen nicht