Xiefuzi Reise Blog
Xiefuzi Reise Blog

Autumn Garden Expo

Julkaistu: 27.10.2024

Last year we visited the impressive Garden Expo in Cangzhou. The various garden themes from different local regions unfold over a large area around a lake. Here is the link to my blog post from last year: Garden Expo 2023. This year, we are taking advantage of a government appointment of the sister for a visit to the garden complex together with the parents-in-law. Now in autumn, the grand floral display has disappeared, and many plants are showing signs of fatigue. Nevertheless, there were still several colorful spots that I captured in the photo. Additionally, it is now very quiet in the spacious garden complex, as only a few visitors were around. We took the opportunity to explore other areas and take different parallel paths. The Red Daishi particularly shimmered photogenically in the sun. To the east, a large factory often obstructs the photo backdrop in the neighboring area. This year, the company painted its chimney sky blue, with clouds and a sailboat. This makes it look much friendlier. Overall, it was a surprisingly colorful outing, enhanced by the last autumn-colored leaves of the small trees and bushes.


Matkaraportit Kiina