Xiefuzi Reise Blog
Xiefuzi Reise Blog

Shopping at the Supermarket

Julkaistu: 20.10.2024

Sunday afternoon, and we have some time... we are going shopping. We are heading to the Yanbai Shopping Center, which was already one of our favorites last year. In front of it, there is a farmers' market and my wife is excited about the Ganzhe (sugarcane). Quickly, a stalk is separated from the hard shell with the small green peeling machine (see video: farmers' market). After a shopping spree in the clothing section, there are a few items left on the grocery list from the supermarket. What is special about a Chinese supermarket? We pack some fruit, especially the fresh Dongzao (jujube - Chinese date), which is very typical for this region and can only be freshly purchased now during the harvest season. It has a pit and tastes somewhat like a pear. In the seafood department, there are numerous water tanks and aquariums set up, as here you buy very fresh. Various types of dried mushrooms, dates, nuts, and rice are stacked in mounds. In the aisle, a small robot employee comes along offering small sausages. My wife can't resist teasing the little guy, so he has to drive around her (see video: supermarket). Typical are the mountains of small individually wrapped edibles, such as cakes or snacks. In twenty baskets, you can buy loose flower tea. In contrast, the selection of coffee is sparse, with instant coffee available at best. Tea is the national drink here. Payment is made with the QR code from WeixinPay, like everywhere else. By the way, the six-kilometer taxi ride home only costs 1.70 euros.


Matkaraportit Kiina