
Update on the potato harvest - Feedback

Julkaistu: 25.05.2017

Since I had a longer conversation with my boss today while we were waiting for the trucks to transport the potatoes, I decided to ask if it would be possible to take some pictures, as I write a blog and my readers might be interested in how everything is done here. He said that it was no problem and that I could take a few photos.

Phew, that sentence was longer than some articles by other authors here at Vakantio and had more tenses than German grammar homework. If I were you, I would already lose interest after that sentence. But if you still want to continue reading, thank you and relax, we're back to short and concise sentences now. There is nothing new to report, but at least you have pictures to... The sentence is getting too long, I have to shorten it.

You have pictures. You can look at them. After that, you'll know what it's like at work. 3 tractors. Only two people driving them. Is one of them just for decoration? Or a replacement in case one suddenly breaks down? So many questions. I won't get any more answers. Last day today. Finally back in the factory on Monday. Packing Lily Bulbs. Yay. End of post. We're going to sleep now. Good night. Uh, or good day. Depending on who's reading this. See you soon.

Oh, and if you have any suggestions, improvements, or wishes, let me know. For example, more of this and/or less of that. I'm open to everything, like New Zealand pit toilets. In that sense, thank you for following the blog and keep being active!

Vastaus (8)

Hmm Kartoffeln. 🥔 Könnt ihr die ab heute dann überhaupt noch sehen ?😂

Egal, ob lange oder kurze Sätze, ist immer cool zu lesen 😂😂😇

Bisher gehts noch 😂

Was macht Ihr genau? Kann ich daraus nicht ersehen.Dürft Ihr welche mitnehem. Z.B. für lecker "BRATZER", oder mal ein Kartoffelsüppchen statt immer Bohnen. Was verpackt Ihr nächsze Woche. Weiß nicht was Ihr meint. Schönes Wochenende.Genießt das Letzte.

Naja wir wissen es selber noch nicht. Werden Mintag morgen eingewiesen. Wenn ich was genaueres weiß, kommt natürlich wieder ein neuer Beitrag. Ist eine große Faktory die Lily Bulbs verarbeitet. Das sind wohl so Lilien Wurzeln oder so. Ich hab selber keine Ahnung, sagt uns keiner was 👎🏻

Ob wir Kartoffeln mitnehmen dürfen wissen wir nicht 🙈

Na dann gehts ja los .Viel Erfolg.😚🤗.

sieht nicht gerade ungefährlich aus, dadrin rumzuklettern :-D Passt auf euch auf :-P

Uusi Seelanti
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