Bulli Svensson tourt durch Frankreich und Spanien
Bulli Svensson tourt durch Frankreich und Spanien

Day 5 - 8 - I am in the Mediterranean

Julkaistu: 25.07.2022

Here we go again... At 11 o'clock both of them are sitting and I am allowed to start. Next destination - Mediterranean.

Conclusion of the place here -> Municipal but great. The place has everything you need. Highly recommended. You don't pay completely €25,- per night and it was great.


I'm off, sometimes at 30km/h through the Rhône Valley towards the Mediterranean Sea. Along countless vineyards, olive trees and lavender fields. Such beautiful nature and rocks. Mountains and fields - a wonderful area towards the sea. Sometimes tempting to linger here. I stop for photos and at viewpoints - it smells so much like lavender and pine forests. The smell is a bit reminiscent of toothpaste. Really beautiful and the Rhône winds its way through the mountain worlds. I roll up and down serpentine roads that I can only manage at 10km/h. Exciting, also the many cyclists who accompany our way here and there.

After 259km I come to a stop. This is supposed to be the next place - just ask - I'm waiting outside the barrier at 38 degrees and blazing sun. Meanwhile it is 3pm. I took a short break - the drivers seem to have changed. 4 hours for 259km - quite leisurely.

Yeah - I get a spot. I'm standing comfortably under black poplars that give me some semi-shade. The pitch is sufficient and if I make myself biiiiiggggg, I can see the sea 200m away. But I can't make myself big, so I do what I always do - keep my eyes open and wait.

I see few campervans, but campers from Germany, the Netherlands, France and Switzerland. Many German cars and here and there I hear people talking.

Seems to be nice, because I will stay here for 3 nights and enjoy the sun of France.

I often hear clattering in the kitchen, flipping through books and the ice cube machine clattering. A little luxury is allowed.

Directly on the first night a thunderstorm breaks in, but as quick as I get wet, I'm dry again.

Not much else happens. It seems the drivers are just recovering and reading, swimming, eating fresh baguette and watching women's soccer EM.

If you want family-friendly camping with moderate comfort, this is the right place. Clear recommendation. Price-wise, it's a little more - around €45 per night. There is no WiFi, but everything else is available nearby. Pizza, supermarket and ice cream parlor.

Definitely recommended is the bakery, outside the campsite right on the corner. It seems well known far beyond the borders of the village that they have the best baguette there.


Day 8 - let's continue. I will drive along the Mediterranean for a while and see where my journey takes me. First towards Narbonne and along the Mediterranean towards the Spanish border. The journey is my destination...

