himmlischgut reisen
himmlischgut reisen

3 years later

منتشر شده: 25.07.2021

Finally, this summer it's time again. We 2 can plunge into a new adventure together.


Our paths crossed 6 years ago and we haven't been able to separate since. 2 girls who are full of joy of life, thirst for adventure, wanderlust and a lot of longing.

It will be our third trip together in a camper.
After we had the breathtaking experience of Iceland as well as Norway and Sweden, this year it will be warmer and hopefully sunnier.

Already last year we put our heads together and created a rough plan.
Because those who know van life know that you can't plan it.
You miss out on so many beautiful things and always have the time pressure in the back of your mind that you have to be at a certain campsite on day x.

Of course, we also have a backup plan, because in times like these, you never know what might happen.

A lot has happened in both of our lives recently, we learn from it and take a whole load of it with us on our journey.
Whether a new job has been added, dealing with the topic of sustainability, almost 1.5 years of short-time work, new and old loves, or just a little more self-confidence.

So in 19 days we will head towards Slovenia. We will be surprised how much this country captivates us. Whether it will continue to Croatia by the sea as in our imagination, we will see.

Before the journey begins, there will be a few blog posts here. Why we don't camp wild everywhere, what about traveling without plastic, what do we really need and what is completely unnecessary.

In any case, we wish you a lot of fun reading and hope to take you on our journey.

Nina and Theresa

PS .: if you can't wait to read a travel report, you are welcome to browse through our last trip through Scandinavia here below.


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